Training During Covid-19 Pandemic
Baildon Runners are operating our normal training sessions on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays, in line with England Athletics rules and Government legislation. We have additional risk assessments, safety procedures and restrictions in place to ensure that our members can train together safely. This includes limiting the sizes of our sessions and maintaining strict parameters under which our sessions may operate, including track and trace registers.
All of our members who wish to take part in a session must complete a Pre-Activity Readiness Questionnaire and must register in advance of the session. This information is held in case it is required for track and trace services. All members are instructed to not register for or attend a session if they are displaying any of the symptoms of Covid-19, including:
A high temperature
A new, continuous cough
A loss or change in sense of taste or smell
As from 14th September 2020, the UK Government implemented the ‘Rule of 6’, banning all social gatherings, inside or out, of more than 6 people. England Athletics released this statement on the 10th September 2020 exempting club training sessions from the ‘Rule of 6’:
“England Athletics is pleased that club and group activity as well as competitions for athletics and running will not be affected by the new restrictions on the number of people allowed to meet up. The Government has now confirmed to Sport England that organised sports and activities which have been through return to play protocols will be allowed to continue as before”
The full statement is available online here:
Baildon Runners follow England Athletics and UK Athletics advice when preparing for and delivering our group training sessions. The latest advice is available here:
This allows for Run Leaders and Coaches to deliver training sessions to up to 12 people per qualified coach/leader.
All of Baildon Runners’ session leaders hold an England Athletics Coaching in Running Fitness (CiRF) or Leader in Running Fitness (LiRF) qualification.
In the 10th September statement, England Athletics and Sport England refer to ‘Return to Play Protocols’. These frameworks and procedures are specific to individual sports. For Running, we follow strict risk assessments and procedures to ensure sessions are delivered in a ‘Covid Secure Environment’.
These are defined here:
Baildon Runners’ nominated ‘Covid Coordinator’ is Joseph Percival, who may be contacted via the club email address info@baildonrunners.co.uk
Baildon Runners’ offering to members is reviewed frequently and every time either local or national legislation changes. If you have any questions or concerns about Baildon Runners training sessions, please email us at info@baildonrunners.co.uk