Tour of Pendle 2017
At 9am the rain was pouring, an hour and a half later when the race began the sun was shining. This was an improvement on last year's weather, when the snow was falling and visibility was low.
Despite the better weather, the challenge was just as tough; over 16 miles with almost 5000ft of climbing. An epic fell race in its 34th year. For Andrew Price, it was an opportunity to get his hands on another Tour of Pendle T-shirt, for the rest of the Baildon Runners it was their first time.
The Tour of Pendle is a category AL fell race, held in late season over Pendle Hill and it’s adjoining moorlands in the south west Pennines. Ben and Craig and I all agree that it is the hardest thing we have ever done. On two occasions during the race I thought to myself, 'I cannot make it up this next hill'. But a protein bar and a swig of water later, I managed to plod on.
A special thank you to Jules who came along to support us, the least she could do after convincing me to compete in the first place! ;)
Congratulations to the Baildon boys who competed. See you next year??!

Ascending (again) after descending down Geronimo