Baildon Runners go Green 🍀
On Saturday 12th May, 15 Baildon Runners and 2 friends made the short trip across to Dublin🍀
We were up and off around 4am from home to make the 6.30am flight From the airport a 30 minutes bus ride to Malahide. We were soon told the race had been cancelled due to Ireland’s first ever test match... luckily this was incorrect.
Malahide park run was a great setting in a lovely park and the sun was shining. All Baildon Runners ran brilliantly and yes... he won👍 well done Mal.
A short train journey to the centre of Dublin followed, for a great afternoon of Guinness , face paint and laughter. All 17 of us made the plane including Mal! We had a great trip.
Dublin park run trip was a success and will hopefully happen again next year. We are hoping the next park run away trip will be to Wales later in the year - details to follow. For now back to Lister Park next week!