Baildon Canter Fell Race
Organised by our very own legend Sue Coates, the Baildon Canter Fell Race is part of the Baildon Carnival held at Baildon Rugby & Cricket Sports Club, Heygate Lane, off Jenny Lane BD17 6RS. A challenging 5K (Category BS) fell race that takes you up and over the scenic Baildon Moor with a fast descent to the finish. Junior races for U6s, U9s and U11s/U13s.
The most recent event took place on Saturday, 13 July 2024.
The U6s race started on the Rugby field at 14:00 followed by the U9s at 14:15. When the last U9 finished, the U11s and U13s set off together. All junior entries cost £1; entries were on the day only. Results were recorded in age categories. Please note that age categories were defined by age on 31/12/2024. Medals and sweets for all. Prizes for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd boy and girl in each age category.
The seniors race started at 15:15 and cost £4, entries were on the day only. FRA rules applied.
Entry to the Baildon Carnival itself was free in 2024.
The next Baildon Canter Fell Race will take place on Saturday, 12 July 2025. More information nearer the date.
Results, prize winners and photos from 2024 can be found below:
Senior results are here.
Under 11s/13s results are here.
Under 9s results are here.
The category prize winners are listed here.
Please report any spelling errors etc to resultsbaildon@gmail.com.
There are links below to over 1,600 photos, courtesy of Dave & Eileen Woodhead.
Start, Finish & Winners - 381 photos here.
Senior, U17 & U15 race - Outward - 200 photos here.
Senior, U17 & U15 race - Return - 352 photos here.
U11 & U13 race - Start & Finish - 224 photos here.
U11 & U13 race - Racing - 275 photos here.
U9 race - 113 photos here.
U6 race - 116 photos here.