Training Sessions with Baildon Runners
If you are interested in joining us, just come along to any of our training sessions, we’ll make you very welcome. You don’t need to pay anything or sign up as a member first. Come along for a few sessions and try us out with no obligation, we’re sure you’ll like us!
The meeting location of our sessions can vary, so please contact info@baildonrunners.co.uk for further information on where to meet, and we can answer any other queries you may have too.
Saturdays 10:00am. Baildon Runners Absolute Beginners Group.
We meet at the Bandstand in Roberts Park, Higher Coach Road, Baildon. Free parking is available nearby in the public car park with the round turning circle just before Titus Salt school on Higher Coach Road, Baildon (BD17 5RH is the nearest postcode).
Aimed at the complete beginner and those relatively new to running (but all are welcome to attend!). Sessions last for one hour (we don't run all the time!) and are based in and around Roberts Park, the canal towpath and riverbank trail. Free car parking, café and toilet facilities. Also see our "Run Baildon" page.
Tuesdays 7:00pm. Improve Your Running (Structured training)
Sessions last one hour and are suitable for all abilities. In winter we are on road around Baildon's quieter streets, and in summer off road taking advantage of the beautiful areas we live near. These sessions are based on interval training and quite often on hills. Once a month (the first Tuesday) we typically use the running track at the University Academy in Green Head Road, Keighley BD20 9EB for some flat interval running. All sessions are adapted and suitable for everyone.
Thursdays 7:00pm. Main club night (group running)
We typically meet at Baildon Rugby & Cricket Sports Club, Heygate Lane, off Jenny Lane, Baildon BD17 6RS, but please contact us to confirm as we sometimes travel to other places, such as our annual Grassington trip which is not to be missed!
A social night with the emphasis on enjoying running in groups - we divide into different running groups, each with a designated leader, according to ability. The separate groups regularly re-group to ensure that nobody is left behind.
In summer we generally run off-road over the moors. In winter we keep to well-lit pavement routes (please wear high-viz clothing). Showering and changing facilities are available, free of charge, on Thursdays.